Business Directory & Facilities
Trapper Creek Towing & Recovery
Trapper Creek, AK 99683
WalMikes – propane sales, gift shop and more!
PO Box 13003
Trapper Creek, AK 99683
Three Bears Alaska
The Trapper Creek Convenience Store featuring Shell gas, diesel, heating oil, propane, and the Bear’s Den Liquor Store. The Convenience Store has delicious Hot Stuff food including large, made to order, to-go pizzas. Laundry facilities are available through the rear entrance door.
PO Box 13209 Trapper Creek, AK 99683
Vitus Energy
Vitus Energy, LLC is an Alaskan-owned, fuel distribution company. Delivering Propane, Heating Fuel, Diesel & Gas along the Parks Highway. Convenience and Liquor Store. Indoor dining and take-out available. Laundry facilities are available inside.
Mile 115.5, Parks Hwy, Trapper Creek, AK 99683
Renee's Bakery
Tours/Activites/ Gifts
Alaskan Ponies 907-733-2001
Great Northern Excursions 907-671-0345
Merlin Outfitters 907-733-7896
Denali Gold Tours 907-733-7660
Trapper Creek Homestead Tours 907-733-2316
Moose Creek Denali Touchstone (Gifts) 907-733-2406
Shekinah Enterprises (Gifts) 432-466-9930
Wal-Mikes 907-733-2637
Wild Journeys Alaska, Petersville 907-440-5544
Merlin Outfitters
Farms & Gardens
Blomgarden LLC- Alaska Peony Farm & Sales 907-795-2874
Hardlyably Farms LLC – Oil Well Road
Trapper Creek Greenhouse-Kula Road 907-733-2316
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Contact: Michael Volin
570-441-0944 Email: [email protected]
CERT members living in the Trapper Creek area can assist themselves and others in their neighborhood following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.
Hammer Down Pilot Car and Escort Service 907-980-2222
Synergy Day Spa of Alaska 907-440-7634
Trapper Creek Machining 907-733-7896
Trapper Creek Towing and Recovery 907-841-5041
Trapper Creek Post Office 907-733-4440
VITUS Energy 907-733-2315
Wal*Mikes 907-733-2637
Funk Services [email protected] 907-312-8422 Plumbing, Heating, and Home Repair Needs
Cold Shoe Media [email protected] 907-570-2888

Trapper Creek Watering Point
8835 E. Devonshire Rd.,
Trapper Creek, AK
2022 Trapper Creek Watering Point Water Quality Report PWSID# AK2220495
We are pleased to present this year’s Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. This report is a snapshot of last year’s water quality. We are committed to providing you with information because informed customers are our best allies.
Copies of the report by obtained by emailing: [email protected]
Trapper Creek met the VSW grant guidelines due to a population of less than five hundred without a public water system. In early 2018 a preliminary engineering report (PER) was commissioned by VSW to evaluate alternatives for a new well and watering point to first establish the dire need for the project. Once this was established, the USDA EPA granted $325,000 for development and construction of the facility. By resolution TCCSA acquired the facility because of the requirement that the owner must be a non-profit corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
With the assistance of the Community Development Director of the Matsu Borough, the Borough Land Management Agent, and the approval of Borough Assembly, TCCSA was conveyed 1.5 acres of land on Devonshire Drive. Construction began in the summer of 2020 utilizing the funds granted by DEC/VSW.
The Trapper Creek Watering Point opened its doors on April 20, 2021. A bookkeeper and two certified operators maintain the TCWP facility. The water meets all Federal and State DEC regulations for scheduled testing to ensure that the water is pure and within the guidelines for safe drinking water.
The Trapper Creek Watering Point provides a needed water source at minimum cost for the residents of Trapper Creek, the Upper Susitna Valley, and visitors 24 hours a day, year-round.